Individual Works |
- “No Results Were Found,” essay, Arts & Letters, Spring 2013
- “What a Lover Asks,” “Bury” and “Woman Finds Creepy Ex Boyfriend Living in Attic,” poems, The Poetic Pinup Revue, 2013 (February and August)
- “Your Name is a Shape Made in the Mouths of Magicians,” poem, The Meadow, forthcoming
- “Still Life with Tea and Book,” poem, Sierra Nevada Review, forthcoming
- “I wait for dirty martini climax in a backseat,” and “Oh holy Monday morning intervention,” poems inspired by Facebook status updates, Gutter Eloquence
- “Notes After a Breakup,” poem, Slipstream
- “Researchers Discover Insomniac Birds are the Sexiest Birds,” Dressing Room Poetry Journal, 2013
- “Digging for Wasps,” prose/poem, Santa Fe Lit Review, print
- “I Can Leave You Like I Leave” and “Morning Comes,” poems, Saudade Review, January 2013
- “After Hearing about the Infertility” and “After the Stillborn,” poems, Noctua Review, forthcoming
- “Quit Day,” poem, Stirring: A Literary Collection
- “Portrait of a Couple with an Overdrawn Checking Account,” Stirring: A Literary Collection
- “After the Rape” – Women Write Resistance: Poets Resist Gender Violence anthology
- “Alone, Before His Birth,” and “The Widow” – I-70 Review
- “Portrait of a Girl Drawn with Neophobia,” poem, Mixed Fruit, print, March 2013
- “Off the Map,” reprint of a short story, New Stories from the Midwest, Spring 2013, print
- “Belated,” poem, Atticus Review, March 2013
- “The Emptiness Begins,” poem, Right Hand Pointing, October 2012
- “The Widower,” “I Go Back in Time and Rescue My Mother,” and “Letter for What we Did That Summer,” poems, Midwestern Gothic, Fall 2012, Nostalgia Issue
- “After Moving” and “Becoming Windows,” poems, Rose & Thorn Journal
- “Before You Die” and “We Stop Writing About the Moon,” poems, Phantom Limb
- “Overflow,” poem, San Pedro River Review, 2012 print
- “Blue,” “Winter Myths,” “Our Home Becomes an Island,” poems, Menacing Hedge
- “Scrapbooking,” nonfiction, Used Furniture Review, forthcoming
- “Letter for What we Did That Summer,” “The Widower,” and “I Go Back in Time and Rescue my Mother,” poems, Midwestern Gothic, Fall 2012, forthcoming
- “Postcard to the Wrong Address,” reprinted in Estuary: A Confluence of Art and Poetry
- “The Fifth Night” and “Postcard to the Wrong Address,” poems, Flint Hills Review, print
- “Love Letter for Virtual Particles,” Jelly Bucket, forthcoming
- “The Meaning of More,” “Sister,” “Stretch,” “The Graves We Dig,” “Tache Noir,” poems, The Bookends Review, 2012
- “How to Erase the Dead,” Rufous City Review, 2012, online
- “Letter for How I Remember Myself”, poem, Skidrow Penthouse, print 2012
- “Autopsy of Me”, poem, Mid-American Review, Fall 2012, print
- “Postcard Number 64,” poem, Architrave Press, Fall 2012, print
- “Greeting Card in a Missouri Accent,” and “Letter After Separation,” poems, I-70 Review, Fall 2012, print
- “Josh’s Flowers,” Prose, Gargoyle, summer 2012, Issue 58, print
- “When Momma Left Me”, Poem, Coal City Review, Issue 28 2012, print
- “I’ve forgotten where my hands go” and “The smell of burning hair,” poems, A-Minor, Spring 2012
- “The Lady with Knives,” and “from The Dopamine Letters,” poems, Melusine, Spring/Summer 2012, online
- “A Night Without Stars,” Poem, Flutter Poetry Journal, March 1, 2012, online
- “June’s Child,” Poem, Thrush, March 2012, online
- “The Most Striking Thing,” Prose, Connotation Press: An Online Artifact, Featured Writer, February 2012
- “Spice and Everything Nice,” Poem, Redactions, 2012, print
- “Mother and Night,” “The Collector,” poems, dirtcakes, 2012, print
- “Self Portrait as Affair,” and “What it Means When He’s Away,” zaum, 2012
- “Love Letter 137,” Everyday Other Things, January 2012
- “Tender,” fiction, South Dakota Review, 2011 Winter, print
- “Self Portrait as Mortician,” “Before They Paint Me,” “Tornado Elegy,” The Adroit Journal, Winter 2011, online
- “Vacation,” poem, Weave Magazine, Issue 7, December 2011, print
- “Spins and Shadows,” poem, Cobalt, Issue 2, December 2011, online
- “Poem for Your Early Twenties,” “Your Place,” poems, scissors and spackle, November 2011, online/print
- “Overlooking the Platte River,” Poem, Foundling Review, November 2011, Issue 1, online
- “Flightologies,” Poem Series, Every Day Other Things, November 2011, online
- “On Traveling By Car,” “Adjustments,” “Darkroom,” “Night Shift,” Poems, EdgePiece, November 2011, online
- “After Solitary Confinement”, Poem, Down in the Dirt, November 2011, online/print
- “Tornado,” prose, Prick of the Spindle, issue 5.3, November 2011, online
- “As Young as You Remember,” prose, Red Lightbulbs, November 2011, online
- “Spinning,” poem, The Medulla Review, November, 2011, online
- “Returning From a Beer Run,” poem, Lily, October 2011, online
- “Off the Map,” prose, Midwestern Gothic, Issue 3, print
- “We Will Plan Big Things, prose, kill author, October, Issue 15, online
- “Once in Bed, What a Woman Really Looks for Above All” and “The Sales Clerk Trying to Sell You a Vibrator,” poems, scissors and spackle, September, 2011, online/print
- “Spider Bite Elegy,”and “The Best Way to Lie” poems, Every Day Poets, online
- “Birthmark” and “From the Start”, poems, Adanna, online/print (2011 online, 2012 print)
- “Duds & Suds,” Short Story, Midwest Coast Review, page 10, online
- “The Woman Doing Cartwheels in the Living Room,” and “Picking Pumpkins,” poems, 150 Kansas Poems, online/print
- “Pisces Elegy” poem, Blood Lotus, Issue 21, 2011, online
- “After,”poem, Breadcrumb Scabs, Issue 31, August 2011, online
- “Self-Portrait as Woman,” and “Self-Portrait of a Mortician,” poems, The Montucky Review, August 2011, online
- “Smoking,” Prose, Blue Print Reivew, Issue 28 “Challenge” issue 2011, online
- “Another July” and “Vacancy”, Poems, Hobble Creek Review, July 2011, online
- “Every House on Our Street Has a Baby in It”, Prose, Thunderclap Magazine, Summer 2011 issue 6, online/print
- “Juan, 2000,” Poem, Notes Magazine, 2011, print
- “Swing Set” and “Road Out”, Photos, Midwestern Gothic, June 2011, online
- “Pulse”, Poem, Halfway Down the Stairs, June 2011, online
- “After Getting the Mole Removed” and Bare Ache”, Poems, A Clean Well-Lighted Place, 2011, online
- “Mother,” Short Story, Mochila, 2011, print
- “As a Child”, Poem, Amoskeag, 2011, print
- “Light Rail”, Poem, Lingerpost, 2011, online
2010 and earlier:
- “Giving”, Poem, FutureCycle Poetry, 2010, online/print
- “Somewhere Inside”, Nonfiction, Touchstone, 2010, print
- “Integrating the Spirit With Psychosis: Alternative conceptualizations of psychotic disorders,” The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, with Dr. Russ Phillips III and David Lukoff, 2009
- “If I Say”, Poem, Flint Hills Review, 2008, print
- “He Drew Me From Behind”, Poem, North Central Review, 2007, print
- “Texas Stranger,” “Best Trailer in Town”, Poems, Spring Formal, Kansas City Art Institute, 2006, print
- “The Glass of Wine,” “Untitled Modern Sonnet”, Poems, New Wine, Northwest Missouri State University, 2000, print
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